Friday, December 24, 2010

Why is so many MLM company offering freelance jobs with different marketing plan

Why is so many MLM company offering freelance jobs with different marketing plan?

Marketing & Sales - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they need money to
2 :
Because they have nothing to lose.
3 :
Each company has their own way of marketing, just like any brick and mortar store has their marketing strategy. What you should consider important is whether or not you are able to use the marketing plan of your choice with the company or if it is required that you purchase theirs. For example, I was with a company once and they required that you purchase a certain amount of "their" sales aids per month in order to qualify for your commissions. The company I am with now has hundreds of different marketing programs and sales aids but you can chose from theirs, someone else's or create your own. That is the key to finding the right company with good marketing plans. While many companies may have some great plans created, not every strategy works for everyone. You should be able to test different strategies and use the program that best suits you whether it is theirs, someone else's or one of your own! Many companies do this as a way to increase revenue so in the end, they are making more on the marketing plans and sales aids to their members than on the actual products that they sell. Sad but very true. I certainly hope you haven't fallen victim to this as so many have done. It is very important to research the company and their requirements, ask very specific questions and speak to other members as well to be sure that you are getting good facts concerning the company, their products, opportunity and any marketing programs that they promote. I have a Hub page link in my YA profile that teaches you how to look for opportunities. It is not specific to my company or any others. It is general information to help teach anyone how to look, what to look for, what to avoid and questions to as in your research of home business opportunities. I wish you all the best. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance to you

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