Friday, November 12, 2010

Should I do this job or graduate from College

Should I do this job or graduate from College ?
I got a job from my relatives who live in Belgium. The job is a freelance writing job and I am expected to earn earn $180,000 to $230,000 per annum. My Uncle knows this Teen Magazine Editor and wants me to work there. Should I take this job or graduate from my College ?
Other - Careers & Employment - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
get the job... then if it goes wrong just go back to college
2 :
I think you need career counseling for your job. Please have a visit on for career counseling and New Jobs Listing.
3 :
Take the job! First of all, this is the kind of job that people go to college for, a magazine editor. Sounds like a hip and fun job. Not to mention the fact it is in Belgium (that is what I got out of it). It sounds great. You can always still go to school later or even better go to school while you are Belgium. I would see what options for university has for you. If you have a lof of credits maybe you can try to get a lesser degree from them or see if you can transfer them to a school in Belgium. Sounds like a good chance. If it is a job you would want, I would say take it! Plenty of great and rich people did not finish college. Look at Bill Gates.

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