Sunday, May 16, 2010

Freelance Non-Fiction and Fiction Writing Job

Freelance Non-Fiction and Fiction Writing Job?
I am young freelance writer who specializes in fictional novels, short stories, and screenplays. I am capable of writing non-fiction as well. I enjoy writing and do it everyday. I choose not to ghostwrite because I feel that I am helping someone lie, but I wouldn't mind co-writing with someone. I also can do news articles and opinion articles. I have had several years of experience writing articles for a school newspaper. So, if there is anyone out there interested in giving me a job let me know. If anyone has some good sites that I can visit and post this or look for decent freelance writing jobs that I can do over the computer, please let me know. Thanks for reading! I see where you are coming from. Maybe you did not catch the phrase: "young freelance writer". I have just recently reached adulthood and have NO experience in job hunting. I am here mainly to ask for help searching for a job opportunity. And thank you for the compliment about my grammar.
Books & Authors - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You used proper grammar, so I'll give you that, but let me tell you - if you were at all serious about this you wouldn't be advertising in Yahoo Answers.
2 :
Well, I don't see why you wouldn't advertise in Yahoo Answers. I wish you good luck and wish I could help you. My suggestion is that you begin sending your work out as a freelancer and hope for the best.
3 :
As a freelance writer, one of your most marketable skills is the ability to do your own research. What better way to practice than to use that skill to find your own way? I know it can be tough and it's a daunting task but if you don't learn to do it now, you never will. Google freelance writing jobs and you'll have plenty to work with. Just make sure you're doing your research and making sure none of your leads are known scams or unreliable about paying you on time. If you don't have a Paypal account already, consider getting one. It's a major method of payment for many online markets

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