Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What should I charge for my first freelance writing job

What should I charge for my first freelance writing job?
I'll be writing for a green real estate community who needs some new verbiage for their sales letters. Southern Living magazine is building one of their "idea houses" at this community, and the company needs content reflecting that. I imagine the project will take 3-5 hours work time (including revisions) and not including 30 minutes travel and an hour of meeting time...
Small Business - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go to to check out what freelance jobs charge.
2 :
i got resources below for some guideline that you might need. i got more resources at my profile if you need other info related to online freelancing and online biz. hope that helps a bit.
3 :
Go to this site for a three-article series about setting your freelance writing rates

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