Thursday, September 16, 2010

If you have done some freelance work for somebody and the job is complete.

If you have done some freelance work for somebody and the job is complete..?
Can you use that material in your portfolio to show other clients ?? thanks i'm actually into sound and music..but i thought the same concept would apply to photography
Photography - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yeah, unless you sign over the rights to the client.
2 :
It's always best to get a release from the client, just so you can tell the next potential client that's how you do it. Some clients might not want their photos being seen by others. Draw up a promotional use only release. If you sign over all rights, you couldn't. If it's a job situation, it would be the same, the employer owns the work.
3 :
Depends on the laqws where you are. Here in Canada, when you take a picture, the copyright stays with you UNLESS you are doing it for a CLIENT. Then the CLIENT retains the copyright (you still have some moral rights). That's why my contracts clearly state that i retain the copyright. But like I said, it depends on where you are and since you haven't mentioned it.
4 :
Yeah you can use it in your portfolio, but it's alwayz nice to tell the clients that you are considering using the material in your portfolio and take their opinion on it, if they don't want you to, you should respect their wishes.

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