Monday, December 16, 2013

How much is a reasonable price to charge for creating a website

How much is a reasonable price to charge for creating a website?
I'm a Visual Communications major at the Art Institute and I just got my first freelance job designing someone's website. I'd like to charge something reasonable, lower than most web designer's prices, but I don't want to get ripped off. What's a good price?
Programming & Design - 1 Answers
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"someone's website" is a rather vague description. It could vary a lot in complexity from something that takes you an afternoon to throw together, to many hours of hard work. Is it just simple HTML, or something more complicated ? Is it a personal or a commercial site ? Make some estimate of how many hours it will take you, look around for what a reasonable hourly charge would be, and take it from there. I did a search on the terms "hourly rate web design" and looking at a few pages, it seems that $30-50/hour would be sort of mid-range. Just starting out, you might want to start in the lower end of the range. This page explores some of the issues involved. but there are quite a few others out there that address the subject in many ways

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