Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What to do if you dont get paid for freelance work

What to do if you dont get paid for freelance work?
Im new to the freelance field and my old job asked me to come up with some logo concepts. They laid me off and this is the first time I'm doing work for them as a freelancer. I've tried to protect myself by sending them low resolution images and an invoice. I still have the source files, but "What if..." my old job doesnt pay and uses my idea or uses something very similar ?
Other - Advertising & Marketing - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
u take them to court but u haev to have evidence
2 :
If you feel you have a legitimate verbal contract with them...and they use your stuff without paying you...then... You'd have to take them to Small Claims Court to recover the wages they refused to pay, and if a judge decides a verbal contract was made between you and your company, he will side on your case, you win, and then they have to pay you, or risk breaking the law themselves by refusing a court order...
3 :
Keep original work. Keep all transactions. Try to get a hold of their future publications. If you happen to see your original concept or work blatantly plagiarized and published, then contact a lawyer and sue the ba$tards. From here on in...take my good advice: NEVER EVER do work on SPEC without signing a contract and getting some money up front. Legit agencies/clients/publications PAY for these things: materials, time,conceptual art, ideas, designs. AVOID Craigslist for graphic freelance art jobs==it's a cesspool teaming with sheisters; looking to take advantage of artists

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