Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'd like to know What is the best way to get illustration freelance job.

I'd like to know What is the best way to get illustration freelance job.?
I am an Independent artist & Illustrator base in Malaysia. Illustration job in Malaysia is difficult to get and they don't appreciate it. What is the best way to get freelance illustration job ? My portfolio site:
Drawing & Illustration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
1) Be good at what you do. 2) Be sure they know where you are and who you are. 3) Publish or perish.
2 :
Show your portfolio and ask them "what do you need so that I can show you my work"?
3 :
I love your portfolio, very very cute. You could try they have a looking for work section in the forums and there are lots of proffesional illustrators there you can ask for advice about getting international commissions.
4 :
Looking at your work, you might want to look into You submit your design and the community votes on it. If it wins they print it and buy the design from you. You can't reprint it or distribute it, but they do pay you if they do a reprint. As for other freelance works: Advertise yourself! Have postcards printed with a sample of your work and send them to potential employers with your website. Most art directors keep a book of illustrators they like and may call you when you think you fit their needs. Keep sending out mailings every 4 months or so. You want to stay on the top of their minds. Unfortunately I'm not sure if most art directors want to work with someone terribly far away.
5 : is your best bet to advertise your services

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